Business Impact Northwest (BINW) has provided information to hundreds of Eastside businesses in accessing Federal grant and loans, and local resources. Now BINW is speaking to businesses about tools for building resiliency from the ground up.
Your business’ “What’s Next” Checklist Review
Purpose: This interactive checklist review is designed to help small business owners focus on the pieces of their business that could use some additional help.
What we will provide: Checklist with active links to educational resources
Details: We will briefly explain each check box so that your business can have a clear and individualized road map that is focused on your interest and targets. From this checklist, you can drill down and access resource that will help you move your business in the right direction. This checklist also will be followed up by two deep dive workshops.
Who Should Attend: Any business owner/manager who could use some direction or is looking to retool their current business.
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QKiCtxVIRmSL_-ljjH4rdg
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM PDT
Zoom webinar